Game Description:
What's stopping this grandpa from going to the party? The answer: nothing. Old age and old bones never kept this grandpa from partying! Help grandpa escape the retirement home, dodge nurses, set off fireworks, and slide his way to the big party in this endless runner!
Downloads: 10K+ (Google Play)
Tool: Unity, Procreate, Clip Studio Paint
Role: character, background, asset artist; obstacle animator; UI designer
Duration: June 2022 ~ August 2022
Team Size: 6
Genre: endless runner
Platform: iOS, Android
Get Low, Grandpa! is a mobile game developed by 6 college game developers in 12 weeks under the MassDigi SIP program.
As an artist on the team, I facilitated stylistic decisions; created characters, background, and assets; animated obstacles; designed UI; aided in implementation in Unity, promotional art, and production management.
We went through an extensive style exploration stage...
and eventually decided on a quirky, wild and energetic cartoon style and saturated colour palette to promote the vibe of our game!
We devised an art pipeline that unites all three artists' strengths and made sure our collaborative efforts could stay consistent and replicable.
The art pipeline consists of 3 parts: design/line art, colour, and animation.
I was mainly in charge of the design/line art role, and took on half of the animation duty, since entails a heavy work load.
We were eventually able to generate 4 distinctive scenes/levels with parallax effect, each with 6+ obstacles divided between 3 functions (slide, jump, double jump). We also implemented a special time event, and an in-game shop.
I also designed and implemented most of the UI.