Tool: Unity, Procreate, Clip Studio Paint
Role: background artist, obstacle animator, UI design
Duration: January 2022 ~ May 2022
Team Size: 22
Genre: survival
Platform: Mac OS, Windows
Game Description:
Welcome to the Meowfia Family!
In a two player game of cat and house, one attempts to escape the devious traps of the humans, the other STOPS THEM.
Cat player operates with WASD to avoid traps and obstacles set by the House player. Escape all three floors before the timer runs out in order to make it to your secret mafia meeting on time.
Cat player operates with WASD to avoid traps and obstacles set by the House player. Escape all three floors before the timer runs out in order to make it to your secret mafia meeting on time.
House player operates with the mouse to prevent the cat player from escaping. Knock over obstacles and place traps to impede the cat player's movement.
Keyboard and mouse recommended for optimal playing experience.
Meowfia is a desktop game developed by 22 college game developers under the Brown RISD Game Developers (BRGD) club.
We meet every Saturday for 4 hours over 8 weeks to work on our game.
As an artist on the team, I facilitated stylistic decisions; created background and assets; animated obstacles; designed UI.